
Preparations – dictionary with all preparations. The following columns are displayed in the table: 

  • Name – name of the preparation. 
  • Brand – connections between preparation and brand.
  • Form part – type of package of the preparation. 
  • Dose - dosage form of the preparation.
  • Is in promotion – will this preparation appear in agreement in the task. – 1 means this preparation appears, and 0 means no. 
  • Price – the price of the preparation. 
  • In merchandise - will this preparation appear in control in the task. – 1 means this preparation appears, and 0 means no. 
  • The last column is a cross that allows you to delete rows added by mistake.

To add preparation press the button "+" on the left of the directory name and add the name, pick brand. Choose Is in promotion, is merchandise, or both. If it’s necessary pick form type, add dose and price. 

Double-click on the table cell will get you the opportunity to change this cell.

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