Closing of the HCP call

The call type is displayed in a colored vertical stripe on the left of the preview of the call in the Schedule.
Calls with the type «HCP call» are marked with a blue stripe on usual.

Select the desired call and tap «Edit» at the bottom of the card. In the calls with the «Planned» state, if necessary, the user can change the HCP, call datefrom/datetill, and Call type.
If the doctor has several places of work on the card, it is possible to choose one from a list of the available institutions. Similarly, it is possible to change the specialization, if the doctor has several of them, and they are included in the client's card.

The next sections depend on the company settings:

  • Brands. When the user taps this sub-section new window opens. In this window, the user can:
    • Select the line. The "Line" represents the priority of the brand during the visit, and the user can modify it.
    • Edit the promotion. The user must select one or more brands and toggle the "Promotion" switch on for the discussed brands or off if they were not discussed.
    • Add a brand from the list by clicking the "+" button in the top-right corner of the window.
    • Delete a brand using the trash can icon to the right of the brand name.
    • Click "Save" to save the changes.
  • «Presentations». User can add presentations with the button «+» to the right of the “Add” line
    With the button to the left of the presentation name, the user can start a demonstration of the presentation on the call. Unwanted presentations can be removed from the call by clicking the recycle bin icon.
  • «Promo materials» section. When the user taps this sub-section new window opens. In this window, the user can:
    • add new promo material with the button «+» on the top right corner of the window.
    • delete promo material with the recycle bin icon to the right of the promo material name
    • change the quantity of the promo materials.
    • Tap «Apply» to save changes.
  • Agreement section – It’s a report that the user fills in about the client’s opinion of over-promoted products. In this window user can add detailed information over brands, picked in the corresponding section of the call. 
  • Members – if the user holds the call with his superior, he can note his superior as a member (supervisor) of a call.
  • Call result - (free-form text) following the call.

All these sections are viable only on the HCP call card interface.

After filling in all the information, change the «Call state» to «Done» (close) and tap «Save».

A completed call will change its color in the schedule and cannot be edited further.

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