Rules for Adding a client’s or institution’s card

Before adding a new client or institution, it is recommended to:

  • Check the list of active clients or institutions.
    • Search the existing client or institution database using other keywords (street, full name, name).
  • Check the list of archived clients or institutions. Apply the "Clients/Institutions in Archive" filter in the filters section. Search for the required record in the archive. If the desired institution or client is in the archive, check the reason for archiving.
    • If the reason for archiving is marked as "Duplicate", find the original card in the active database and work with it. 
    • If another reason for archiving is specified, edit the card, remove the archiving reason, and save it. After that, the card will be available in the active list for calls.
  • If the institution or client was not found in both active and archive databases, it is recommended to add such a client or institution to the database.

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