Call Card

The call card can be opened by navigating to the Schedule section and accessing the corresponding activity. The call card includes the following mandatory fields:

  • Call Type - The user must choose the call type from the available list; the list depends on the user's language in their user account.
  • Name - Automatically set based on the call type; the displayed name is either the institution's name or the doctor's full name.
  • Call Status - The user must choose the call status from the list; the list depends on the user's language in their user account.
  • Start Date - The user must select the date and time when the call begins.
  • End Date - The user must select the date and time when the call ends.
  • Institution - The user must choose the institution where he is planning to make a call.
  • Additionally, if it is a call to a client, the user must select the client and their specialization.

The call card can be edited or deleted depending on the call status.

  • Status Planned - The user plans their activity (call) for the upcoming hour/day/month. If the activity is planned for future dates, it can be freely changed or deleted by the user.
  • Status "Done" (Closed) - When the user completes their activity, they change the status from "Planned" to "Done". This indicates that the activity was successfully completed, and the user can no longer modify it. Closed calls will be considered in the "Cycle Plan" report and other analytics. Details in the articles Closing of the pharmacy call and Closing of the HCP call.
  • Status Canceled - If the calls did not take place for some reason, the user can cancel them. This activity cannot be modified, and it will not be considered in reports.


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