Cycle plan

General Information about the Cycle Plan.

Enter your login and password, then click the "Log In" button.
Next, in the window that opens, select the "Cycle Plan" service.

After opening the service, the following information will be displayed.

At the top, filters for periods will be available:

All plans, plans for the previous period, plans for the current period, and plans for the future period.

On the left, a list of cycle plans for the selected period is displayed.

As well as the option to filter them by name, product direction, and product sub-direction:

And add a new cycle plan:

The following information is available in the cycle plan card: the cycle plan period, the employee's full name, job title, product direction, and sub-direction are indicated. Clicking on the three dots will open options to Edit or Delete the cycle plan.

Cycle plans that already have attached visits cannot be deleted. If you attempt to press "Delete," a pop-up window will appear with a message indicating that visits are linked to this cycle plan, and it cannot be deleted.

When you click "Edit," a window will open on the right, where you can change the cycle plan's Responsible, start date, and end date.

When you click on "Additional Information," the full name of the cycle plan creator, as well as the product direction and sub-direction of the cycle plan assignee, will be displayed.

Detailed Information

The user cannot change or view their job title. The user's job title can be viewed in the "Reports to and job title" section.

Similarly, the user cannot change or view their product direction and sub-direction. Changes to the user's profile are made by technical support or an employee with access to the Admin Panel. The product direction and sub-direction of the user can be viewed in the "Users" section by clicking the eye icon next to the relevant user in the "Product Direction" section.


At the bottom, the following data is available:

Cycle plan details, where information is displayed about the types of tasks and target groups, client categories, institution categories, and the number of visits that the assignee needs to complete.

Products for control that will be displayed during visits to retail locations

Modifying Cycle Plan Details.

When opening the plan in the "Details" section, the following columns will be displayed:

Task Type – the type of visit the employee must indicate when making a visit.
Target Group – specifies which target group of clients should be included in the visit. Details can be found in the "Specialization to Target Group Link" dataset.
Institution Category – allows selecting the category of the institution if it is an institutional visit (Pharmacy visit type and target group Pharmacy).
Client Category – allows selecting the client category if it is a client visit (Doctor visit type and target group Doctors).
Coverage – the number of unique clients or institutions that need to be visited.
Number of Visits – the total number of visits that need to be conducted.

Detailed Information

Coverage and the number of visits are tracked within the scope of a single-cycle plan.
Coverage refers to the unique clients or pharmacies visited. This is the first visit created within the specified period.
Number of visits refers to the ability to conduct repeat visits.
In the screenshot below, we see that the first visit will be counted toward both coverage and the number of visits because it is the first visit. The second visit will only be counted toward the number of visits, as it is a repeat visit to the same doctor.


Next, at the bottom, the following tabs are displayed:

Brands and Presentations.
In the Brands tab, the following columns are available:

Brand – the name of the brand.
Promotion Line – indicates the line (importance) of the brand.
Visit Number – the ability to specify certain brands depending on the visit number.

In the Presentations tab, the following information is available:

Presentation – the name of the presentation.
Visit Number – the ability to specify certain presentations depending on the visit number.
job title – the ability to assign the order of the presentation during the visit.

Detailed Information

When conducting repeat visits within the cycle plan, you can specify different brands and presentations to be displayed during the visit (visit number).
For example, in the screenshot below, the first visit to the doctor

 includes the following brands:

The repeat visit to the same doctor includes the following brands:


Each row of details is linked to its own brands and presentations.
For example, in the screenshot below, the "Pharmacy" visit type – "Target Group OTS_KZ" – shows the following brands:

And for the Doctor visit type, the following brands are displayed:

This is the list of brands and presentations that will automatically be pulled into the employees' visits during the visit process.

Detailed Information

For example, during a visit to a cardiologist:

The following brand will be displayed:

And during a pharmacy visit:

The following brand will be displayed:


To modify the cycle plan details, click the pencil icon at the top of the table. You can also delete a cycle plan detail row by clicking the trash icon.

After clicking it, a new window will open where changes can be made:

You can modify the brand linked to the necessary cycle plan detail. To do this, select the required detail, and in the Brands tab, click on the desired brand and either click the pencil icon to edit or the trash icon to delete the selected brand.

When you click "Edit," a new window will open, allowing you to modify the Brand, Promotion Line, and Task Number.

You can also modify the presentation linked to the necessary cycle plan detail. To do this, select the required detail, and in the Presentations tab, click on the desired presentation and either click the pencil icon to edit or the trash icon to delete the selected presentation.

When you click "Edit," a new window will open, allowing you to modify the Presentation, Visit Number, and the Presentation's position in the list.

Adding Information to the Cycle Plan

To add a new cycle plan detail, click the "+ Add" button in the upper right corner.

A new window will open where you need to fill in all fields marked with a red asterisk. Other fields can be filled in as necessary.

Then click "Save." Please note that in the Target Group, Client Categories, and Institution Categories fields, only the data associated with the user's product direction, whose cycle plan is being modified, will be available. In the Visit Type field, only the visit types available for the role of the user whose cycle plan is being modified will be accessible.

To add a new brand to the cycle plan, select the necessary cycle plan detail and click "+ Add Brand" in the upper right corner.

A new window will open where you need to fill in all fields marked with a red asterisk. Other fields can be filled in as necessary.

Then click "Save." Please note that in this list, only the brands associated with the user's product direction will be available.

To add a new presentation to the cycle plan, select the necessary cycle plan detail and click "+ Add Presentation" in the upper right corner.

A new window will open where you need to fill in all fields marked with a red asterisk. Other fields can be filled in as necessary.

Then click "Save." Please note that only active (non-archived) presentations will be available.

Products Section

Click on the "Products" button in the cycle plan.

A window will then open, displaying a list of brands. Brands are displayed in alphabetical order.


Detailed Information

When closing a pharmacy visit, it is necessary to specify "Control."

If no products are selected in the Products section, the user will see all SKU related to their product direction in the "Control" field.

If specific SKU are selected, only those SKU will be available in the "Control" field.


By clicking on the brand name, a list of available SKU under that brand will be displayed.

Toggling the switch next to the SKU of interest will make only those SKU, marked with the switch, available in the "Control" section of the pharmacy visit on the cycle plan assignee's tablet. If no SKU is selected, all SKU related to the employee's product direction will be available.

For easier navigation, you can use the search button in the section.

The search field looks for both brand names and SKU names.

There is also the option to filter only enabled (active) SKU by clicking the "Hide Inactive" switch.

Adding a New Cycle Plan

To add a new cycle plan, click the "Add" button at the top of the plan list.

In the new window, you need to specify the assignee of the cycle plan and the plan period.

Please note, if a cycle plan already exists for this user for the selected period, an information window will appear at the bottom:

Such a cycle plan will not be saved.

After adding the cycle plan, specify the Plan Details by clicking on the "Details" button and then the "Add" button.

Fill in the fields marked with a red asterisk; other fields can be filled as necessary.
If required, add Brands and Presentations to the selected details by clicking on the relevant section and then clicking "+ Add."
You can also select medications under the Products tab.

In the tablet version of the program, the cycle plan will appear for the employee after synchronization.

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